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Re: Sonoff T1 EU

 da sdm37 ¦  20/02/2020, 9:40 ¦  Forum: Sonoff ¦  Argomento: Sonoff T1 EU ¦  Risposte: 9 ¦  Visite : 75039

Good day! I flash Sonoff T1EU, HAA enter JSON is {"c":{"l":13,"b":[{"g":0,"t":5}]},"a":[{"0":{"r":[{"g":12}]},"1":{"r":[{"g":12,"v":1}]},"b":[{"g":0}],"s":0}]} but sometimes my switch turns itself on and off when I don't give it a command. this happens on the last 2 switches. All the other switches ...


 da sdm37 ¦  28/12/2019, 16:16 ¦  Forum: Presentazioni ¦  Argomento: sdm37 ¦  Risposte: 1 ¦  Visite : 67656

hi ! I am Alex